Sunday, April 14, 2013

Baby Leila's Wardrobe

I had my sweet baby girl!! She makes 1 month today! One thing I did not realize while I was on a sewing high a couple months back and made her a bunch of outfits, is that a lot of the clothes I made were small and would only fit her for about 2 days. I forgot how quickly newborns grow!! Anywho, she will probably only get 1 use out of the following outfits, so of course I had to take pictures of my cutie pie in them.

This "dress" was stashed away with her "3 month old" clothes and when I found it, it was almost too late. haha. It barely fit around her chubby stomach but it looked super cute on her. So cute that I had to take her out of the house and show her off to the world. So I got myself and my son ready and we went to the local university to visit their Natural Arts Museum. My son had a blast and baby Leila slept the whole time, covered up in the car seat because the air condition was too cold, so she did not get to show off her cute dress. And did I mention that we were the only one's in the museum? haha. Well that's what pictures are for. 
I was barely able to get this dress on her. Haha. She wore it for about 30 seconds and then I put her pajamas on and she fell asleep.

I absolutely loved this on her. It was nice and cool and PERFECT for Hawaii weather. She may be able to get one more use of out it!

Is is weird that all she does is sleep?....and cry and poop and eat.

I am so excited to make her clothes for when she gets a little older and isn't sleeping all the time and can actually show them off. =)

1 comment:

Ui said...

i LOVE the yellow one!!! and the jersey knit one! can i have one in my size please!!! lol. so when are you gonna bring her up here to meet all her aunties?! miss you suva!